RECENT PUBLICATION: DriveGroups: Using Group Perspective for Usable Data Sharing in Research Collaborations

James G. Frazier, Emily K. Weinstein, Iris Izydorczak, Yifan Wu, Nazaret Cuadros, Dipashreya A. Sur, and Sarah Morrison-Smith. 2025. DriveGroups: Using Group Perspective for Usable Data Sharing in Research Collaborations. Proc. ACM Human Compututer Interaction 9, 1, Article GROUP13 (January…

NEW GRANT: NSF CRII: RUI: Transparency and Access Control in Life Science Data Sharing

This award is funded in whole or in part under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Public Law 117-2). Generating and sharing large quantities of data are now a fundamental part of life science research and have taken a…

RECENT PUBLICATION: QuAD: Deep-Learning Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis with Affinity Diagrams

A. Goldman, C. Espinosa, S. Patel, F. Cavuoti, J. Chen, A. Cheng, S. Meng, A. Patil, L. B. Chilton, S. Morrison-Smith, QuAD: Deep-Learning Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis with Affinity Diagrams, CHI ’22 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems,…

Barnard CS Faculty Awarded Gift from Google’s Explore CSR Initiative

Sarah Morrison-Smith and Adam Poliak were awarded an unrestricted gift from Google’s explore CSR initiative to launch a program called “Barnard BEARS: Better, Enhance, and Advance Research Series.” Barnard BEARS is a workshop preparing Barnard undergraduates for opportunities in computer science research.…

RECENT PUBLICATION: MMGatorAuth: A Novel Multimodal Dataset for Authentication Interactions in Gesture and Voice

S. Morrison-Smith, A. Aloba, H. Lu, B. Benda, S. Esmaeili, G. Flores, J. Smith, N. Soni, I. Wang, R. Joy, D. L. Woodard, J. Ruiz, and L. Anthony. 2020. MMGatorAuth: A Novel Multimodal Dataset for Authentication Interactions in Gesture and…