Sarah Morrison-Smith, Megan Hofmann, Yang Li, and Jaime Ruiz. Using Audio Cues to Support Motion Gesture Interaction on Mobile Devices. To appear in ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP).
News (page 3)
RECENT PUBLICATION: Using Audio Cues to Support Motion Gesture Interaction on Mobile Devices
Sarah Morrison-Smith, Megan Hofmann, Yang Li, and Jaime Ruiz. Using Audio Cues to Support Motion Gesture Interaction on Mobile Devices. To appear in ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP).
WORKSHOP: Opportunities for Supporting Large-Scale Collaborative Projects
Sarah Morrison-Smith, Christina Boucher, Isaac Wang, and Jaime Ruiz. 2016. Opportunities for Supporting Large-Scale Collaborative Projects. In Proceedings of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW ’16): Workshop on Large-scale Collaborative Projects to Affect Societal Change.
RECENT PUBLICATION: Exploring Non-Touchscreen Gestures for Smartwatches
Shaikh Shawon Arefin Shimon, Courtney Lutton, Zichun Xu, Sarah Morrison-Smith, Jaime Ruiz. 2016. Exploring Non-touchscreen Gestures for Smartwatches. To appear in the Proceedings of the 34th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’16).
OUTREACH: ACM-W at Poudre River Public Library
Today, with CSU’s ACM-W, I presented examples of using computer science at the Poudre River Public Library’s Coding for Kids class. Presentation slides can be found here.
OUTREACH: ACM-W at Lincoln Elementary
Today, with CSU’s ACM-W, I presented examples of using computer science at two of Mr. Talan’s classes at Lincoln Elementary. Presentation slides can be found here.
OUTREACH: ACM-W at Lakewood High
Today, with CSU’s ACM-W, I presented examples of using computer science to several groups of high school students at Lakewood High. Presentation slides can be found here.
OUTREACH: ACM-W at Poudre River Public Library
Today, with CSU’s ACM-W, I presented examples of using computer science at the Poudre River Public Library’s Girl Power – Learn to Code! class. Presentation slides can be found here.
OUTREACH: Math, Science, and Technology Day 2015
I hosted several 4th grade classes from the Fort Collins area to learn about programming as part of CSU’s Math Science & Technology Day. We had a lot of fun learning about and practicing computer programming using Scratch.
RECENT PUBLICATION: Exploring User-Defined Back-Of-Device Gestures for Mobile Devices
Shaikh Shawon Arefin Shimon, Sarah Morrison-Smith, Noah John, Ghazal Fahimi, and Jaime Ruiz. 2015. Exploring User-Defined Back-Of-Device Gestures for Mobile Devices. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI ’15). ACM, New…