
Journal Articles

S. Morrison-Smith, C. Boucher, A. Sarcevic, N. Noyes, C. O’Brien, N. Cuadros, and J. Ruiz. 2022. Challenges in large-scale bioinformatics projects. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9, 125 (2022). PDF.

S. Morrison-Smith, J. Ruiz. Challenges and Barriers in Virtual Teams: A Literature Review. SN Applied Sciences 2020. PDF.

S. Morrison-Smith, M. Hofmann, Y. Li, and J. Ruiz. Using Audio Cues to Support Motion Gesture Interaction on Mobile Devices. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 13.3 (2016): 16. PDF.

S. Morrison-Smith, C. Marmon, S. Dighans, T. Daniels, C. Izurieta, Technical Debt Reduction Using a Game Theoretic Competitive Source Control Approach, Highlighted in the Council on Undergraduate Research, CUR Journal, Winter 2012, Vol 33, No 2. PDF.

J.M. Costantini, F. Beuneu, S. Morrison-Smith, R. Devanathan, and W. J. Weber, Paramagnetic defects in electron-irradiated yttria-stabilized zirconia: Effect of yttria content, Journal of Applied Physics 110 (2011) 123506. External Link.

Refereed Conference Papers

S. Morrison-Smith, L. Chilton, and J. Ruiz. 2021. AmbiTeam: Providing Team Awareness Through Ambient Displays. Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Graphics Interfaces (GI ’21), ACM. PDF.

S. Morrison-Smith, A. Aloba, H. Lu, B. Benda, S. Esmaeili, G. Flores, J. Smith, N. Soni, I. Wang, R. Joy, D. L. Woodard, J. Ruiz, and L. Anthony. 2020. MMGatorAuth: A Novel Multimodal Dataset for Authentication Interactions in Gesture and Voice. Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI ’20), ACM. PDF.

N. Soni, S. Gleaves,  H. Neff, S. Morrison-Smith, S. Esmaeili, I. Mayne, S. Bapat, C. Schuman, K.A. Stofer, and L. Anthony. 2020. Adults’ and Children’s Mental Models for Gestural Interactions with Interactive Spherical Displays. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’20), ACM. PDF.

N. Soni, S. Gleaves, H. Neff, S. Morrison-Smith, S. Esmaeili, I. Mayne, S. Bapat, C. Schuman, K. A. Stofer, L. Anthony. 2019. Do User-Defined Gestures for Flatscreens Generalize to Interactive Spherical Displays for Adults and Children?. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis ’19). PDF.

S. S. A. Shimon, C. Lutton, Z. Xu, S. Morrison-Smith, C. Boucher, and J. Ruiz. Exploring Non-touchscreen Gestures for Smartwatches. Proceedings of the 34th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’16), ACM. PDF.

S. Morrison-Smith, C. Boucher, A. Bunt, and J. Ruiz. Elucidating the Role and Use of Bioinformatics Software in Life Science Research. Proceedings of the 2015 British HCI Conference (British HCI ’15). ACM, 230-238. PDF.

S. S. A. Shimon, S. Morrison-Smith, N. John, G. Fahimi, and J. Ruiz, Exploring User-Defined Back-Of-Device Gestures for Mobile Interaction, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service (MobileHCI ’15). ACM, 227-232. PDF.

S. Morrison-Smith, S. Dighans, T. Daniels, C. Marmon, C. Izurieta, Technical Debt Reduction Using a Game Theoretic Competitive Source Control Approach, ISCA 25th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, CAINE ’12, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 14-16, 2012. PDF.

Refereed Workshops/Presentations/Posters

A. Goldman, C. Espinosa, S. Patel, F. Cavuoti, J. Chen, A. Cheng, S. Meng, A. Patil, L. B. Chilton, S. Morrison-Smith, QuAD: Deep-Learning Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis with Affinity Diagrams, CHI ’22 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM (2022).

S. Morrison-Smith, L. B. Chilton, J. Ruiz. Facilitating Team Awareness through Ambient Displays. In proceedings of Microsoft’s Symposium on the New Future in Work. (2020). PDF.

S. Morrison-Smith, H. Yao, I. Wang, B. Lok, and J. Ruiz. 2018. Staying Alive with Virtual Humans. In CHI ’18 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA. PDF.

S. Morrison-Smith, C. Boucher, I. Wang, and J. Ruiz. 2016. Opportunities for Supporting Large-Scale Collaborative Projects. In Proceedings of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW ’16): Workshop on Large-scale Collaborative Projects to Affect Societal Change.

S. Morrison-Smith and J. Ruiz, Using Audio Cues to Support Motion Gesture Interaction on Mobile Devices, CHI ’14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM (2014), 1621–1626. PDF.

S. Morrison-Smith, Data Analysis of Hydration in Fuel Cell Membranes, Department of Energy Science and Engineering Research Challenge (SERCh) (2009).